The team.

The team.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

VBS Day 3

"God loves us and sent His son as a sacrifice to take away our sins."  That was today's message. Does it get any more important than that?

This is Suzy, posting on my own log in. (You'll get that little inside joke if you've been following along all week!) The final day of VBS is always the best and the worst. It's the best because we get to tell the most important story ever, the children are always warmed up by now and really into it, they know the songs, they know the dance moves, and they want to share contact information to keep in touch. It's also the the worst because it is over, just when we are beginning to find out their personalities and get to  connect with them-it's all over and done and we are waving goodbye.

We take comfort in knowing that God's work continues in their lives even if it's time for us to say goodbye to them in person. We are all receiving Facebook friend requests from many of the students. It's very cute that they find us and want to say "Hi! I had a fun time at VBS!". So maybe God will still use technology for us to continue to spread His message with these little ones!

Thank you for your prayers for healing for my back. I'm not sure what I did to it, but it has been feeling pretty bad. Our amazing team regrouped and switched roles for today so that I could just sit and talk with the kids in Tyler's snack room. I started the day feeling pretty useless and like I wasn't pulling my weight for the team. My day was immediately brightened when those kids started running in and singing the songs with big smiles on their faces. Tyler's snack was a piece of bread (a novelty for Hong Kong kids) and a cross stencil with chocolate powder. We had plenty of time to tell the story and explain the message of the cross while they were in the snack room. I had been doing the games with Jinmei and that is a high energy room that doesn't allow any moments to sit and chat with the kids. I found it was actually a blessing that I was given the chance to talk with them. It turned out to be one of my best days. Isn't it amazing how God takes crummy circumstances and can make something beautiful out of it? Right before the second group left, one of the girls came back up to me and gave me the cross craft she had just made. She wanted me to have it. It brought tears to my eyes to see what she wrote and that she wanted me to have it. I felt like she was a little angel. Anyway-how could I possibly feel bad after that?
The cross that was given to me

When we were done with our rotations, we came together for the final closing. Jess had all the kids come up to the cross to bow their heads and pray. It was pretty moving and solidified in all of our hearts that we are where God wants us to be this week.

The kids praying at the cross

Our teacher friends have been wonderful and their concern for my back is touching. They insisted that I  go see a doctor with them so during our lunch break, I was escorted to see Dr. Chee. I have to admit, I was a little nervous. Thankfully, he spoke English and he was very helpful. I left with 4 bags of medicine (in Chinese) that I will do a little research on tonight and begin to take if I still need it tomorrow. But as I type this, I think I'm feeling a lot better. Really, I am.

Dr Chee was great, my Chinese needs some work 

The afternoon was spent with a new group of bitty ones. They were 4-6 years old packed with about as much cuteness as you can handle. Their moms also came and watched our "show". We only get two hours total with them and we really do it up with crafts, games, singing and dancing. I hope when it comes time to be old enough for them to come to the actual VBS, these kids and their moms will want to come and spend the week with us!
Crafts with the little bitty ones

We know from experience that the next couple of days will pass quickly. We will be spending more time with the teachers here and look forward to a special dinner the school will have for us. Those relationships are just as much a part of the mission as teaching VBS, and we cherish the opportunities to spend time with our Hong Kong friends.

God's blessings, thank you for your continued prayers. We all miss our families but are trying to savor every moment here knowing that all to soon, we will be boarding our plane for the journey home.
There is a typhoon that is due to hit tonight, that will be an adventure. But every day is an adventure in Hong Kong!   -Suzy
New friends

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