The team.

The team.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day of Worship

We had multiple "high points" today but most meaningful one was the blessing of worshiping our savior with our brothers and sisters in Christ. What an honor it was to praise our Father with the members of St. Mathews Lutheran Church! The service was in Cantonese but you could feel the Holy Spirit's presence among us and we were able to hear the message through one of the members who graciously translated for us. The message had 3 points: 1. Listen to God's will for your life 2. Obey and trust in Him even when you aren't sure what will happen next. 3. Jesus knows that the path will at times be hard and that He will provide the strength we need to make it through. AMEN

They had us come to the front of the church and tell who we were and about Zion. We shared how we have all been praying for God's blessings on them and this trip for over a year. They were very appreciative and happy to have us. Members of the church then took us to lunch and that in itself is an event. I love how long these meals take. It provides such an opportunity to visit and form relationships. We had a chance to try some amazing new dishes too.  A few brave members tried the cow's stomach. I didn't have the stomach for it!  (ok-cheap humor, it's late.)

God has blessed us so much!  More to come.... (Suzy)

The church is on the 4th floor of the school
Yep, it's in Cantonese. But they seated us next to translators and printed the "Apostles Creed" and the "Confession of Faith" in English for us
Jessica talks with a translator before the service
Becca is the first one to try the stomach

Tyler goes next but I didn't see him take a second helping.

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